Fun With Paint

We like paint at Kittles Family Artworks. And messy art supplies do not scare us, even if they are not washable. One kind of paint I always stayed away from was watercolor because of how it blends with all the colors around it. I like some of the blending but I also like vibrant color. I found it hard to find the balance between vibrant color and softer blending. I’m still pretty awful at it but I’m not afraid to share my attempts. *grin* Honestly, I feel our kids have a better grasp of watercolor than I do. I usually use acrylics. You can get a nice watercolor effect with acrylics without having the colors blend with each other. But I still want to get the hang of working with watercolors. I don’t do so well trying to follow those painting shows on PBS, probably because I feel lost on one point while they’re moving on to the next one. I’m an experimenter when it comes to working with art supplies. I like to just get in there and work with it and see what I can do.  So here is yesterday’s attempt with watercolors. Let the laughing, crying, facepalming, oohing and ahhing begin!

"Wildflower Memories" in watercolor by Melody K

“Wildflower Memories” in watercolor by Melody K

As I said, this is perhaps my second attempt with watercolors. They still scare me…but I will not let that stop me. 🙂

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say in any other way – things I had no words for.” ~ Georgia O’Keeffe

“To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.” ~ William Blake

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