About Animals-Iberian Lynx

Please check out this nifty blog, recently started by my oldest daughter. She’s got a great imagination and a heart for animals.


Hey guys! Welcome to the randomness that is my blog! Today’s topic is about animals. Today’s animal is the Iberian Lynx, one of my favorite animals in the animal kingdom! The Iberian Lynx is an endangered species. For those of you who don’t know what a Lynx is, it’s a type small cat. There are many types of Lynx’s including: Bobcats, Canadian Lynx, and the Eurasian Lynx. Favorite foods of the Lynx are snowshoe rabbits, birds, racoons, and many other mammals as well. As I said before the Lynx is an endangered species, but there are many animal protection groups helping them to survive. If you happen to see a Lynx around where you live, leave it alone. It is a wild animal and it will hurt you if it thinks you are a danger to it.

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Current Goings-On

I know it’s been some time since my last post. I’ve been so very busy lately! I’ve hardly had time to do normal everyday things, much less any of the arts I enjoy. I have been teaching our daughters for summer school and we are really enjoying our study of the history and geography of Japan.  We’re also continuing our science studies in physics and having fun with many science projects. In our study of Japan, we’ve studied some of the arts practiced in that country:

Zen Painting on fan shapes - The one on the left was done by Magiba, and the one on the right, by Starshine.

Zen Painting on fan shapes – The one on the left was done by Magiba, and the one on the right, by Starshine.

These are our attempts at Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging. It really isn't that easy!

These are our attempts at Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging. It really isn’t that easy!

Moku Hanga is the art of woodblock printing. We created ours using an idea shared by Consie Sindet. She blogs at www.atopserenityhill.com so I hope you'll stop in at her blog. She's a wonderful artist!

Moku Hanga is the art of woodblock printing. We created ours using an idea shared by Consie Sindet. She blogs at http://www.atopserenityhill.com so I hope you’ll stop in at her blog. She’s a wonderful artist!

We also studied a bit about hiragana.

These are the worksheets we used to work on our hiragana skills.

These are the worksheets we used to work on our hiragana skills.

The above photos were taken by me and edited in either Pixlr or Instagram. They are not for sale and you do not have my permission to use them in any way.

I have been working on little art projects here and there when I can but time is scarce. The storm season is upon us and we’ve been out storm spotting quite a bit. This in itself could produce some interesting paintings, if I didn’t mind the havoc it would reap in my spirit. I’ve got two current projects to share with you. One is a work-in-progress and the other is a collaboration with Magiba. I hope you enjoy them!

This is a simple line drawing base that I plan to paint and add a poem or lyric to. If you'd like to download a copy, you can do so by clicking the link to go to my deviantArt page. It's free but if you use it for any projects of your own, please link back to my deviantArt page, and give me credit in the caption. Thanks!

This is a simple line drawing base that I plan to paint and add a poem or lyric to. If you’d like to download a copy, you can do so by clicking the link to go to my deviantArt page. It’s free but if you use it for any projects of your own, please link back to my deviantArt page, and give me credit in the caption. Thanks!

This is the collaboration artwork Magiba and I created. If you'd like to purchase a print or photo gift of this, please click on the picture to visit my deviantArt page. Any earnings we receive with be split down the middle.

This is the collaboration artwork Magiba and I created. If you’d like to purchase a print or photo gift of this, please click on the picture to visit my deviantArt page. Any earnings we receive with be split down the middle.

Thanks for reading! Have a beautiful, wonderful, and whimsical day!

Throwback Thursday: Spoken Poetry: PTSD

My dad suffers from PTSD. If you think only military personnel are affected, think again. My dad was a farmer who wasn’t able to be drafted because one of his ears is deaf. It’s a tough thing for him and our family.


Because June is PTSD Awareness Month, I have chosen to share a poem with you about PTSD from last year.


If you would like to know more about PTSD, check out my blog about this subject by clicking right HERE.

PTSD poem

Click to listen —> PTSD


Silently crumbling

Falling apart inside

Having trouble breathing

I’m hurting!

Memories, sharp as blades

Feelings I try to hide


Silently crying

With a smile on my face

Inside, I am dying

I’m fading!

Lost in the darkness

Drifting through space


Silently breaking

Into a million pieces

I keep falling

I’m bleeding!

Just wish I could forget

A mind burned to ashes


Silently drowning

In a sea of unshed tears I shout

I am choking

I’m aching!

Just want to end it

But… I can’t find a way out

Just Patty

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