Beaded Curtain Project

I love shiny things! Glitter…tinsel…shiny glass ornaments…crystal and glass beads…stained glass windows…mirrors…diamond-paned windows…Moroccan lanterns…OK…any kind of glass lanterns…I love them all!  Light, bright, airy and happy! I have a general plan for what I’d like to do with our craft room and bringing in more light and sparkle is a must. It’s a dark room on the east side of our house. It only gets light in the early morning hours and while there are 4 windows, one set looks out onto our carport. Right now, it’s dark and the wooden walls and single overhead light are doing nothing to help. I plan to create some Roman shades in light-colored fabric for the windows and hang a beaded curtain over each one. This way, when the shades are up, there will be lots of color and shine…I hope. I’ve also got a small collection of candle lanterns I want to hang up and a lamp set I want to purchase. So far, this is what I’ve got. Thanks to my daughters and my future DiL, I’ve got a total of 21 strands ready to hang.


— My bunch of bead strands —

P.S. I’m on Snapchat as artcreationist so if you’d like to connect with me there, look me up! 🙂 I’m also on Periscope ( @ArtCreationist5) but I haven’t decided what my first video should be about, or how I can accomplish it well. I hope to have something up soon.

Unfathomable Love

I’m a music person. I don’t really collect the music of certain bands as much as I collect certain songs that speak to me in some way, either technically or emotionally. There are certain songs that lodge within my innermost being and will not be removed. Maybe, I am a strange person after all. While I was at work earlier this week, “Jose Cuervo” kept running through my head. It’s not technically fantastic, nor or the lyrics anything special but my elementary school self truly enjoyed that song. I haven’t heard it song for years  but the chorus kept repeating while I kept pinning fringe strips on country Mardi Gras costumes. When I told my husband about it, he had a good chuckle over it. 🙂 This is a recurring thing, though, random songs just popping into my mind at odd times.

This morning, before my eyes were even open, a different song was running through my head. I knew I had to hear it again! After I got out of bed, had my coffee, did my morning reading and wrote in my journal, I pulled it up on YouTube. “How Deep The Father’s Love For Us” by Stewart Townsend has made a huge impression on me. I first heard it during this past summer at a church we were visiting and it found a comfy section of my mind to make its home in. All it took was hearing it once for me to love the message it carried. What a magnificent blessing! To wake to such empowering and humbling lyrics and know I am LOVED this much.

As I listened to the song once more, cried uncontrollable tears while pondering the lyrics and what they meant to me, one phrase stood out above the others and it stood out in a personal way: “to make a wretch His treasure.” He made this wretch His treasure. Me. This meant so much much to me that I decided to do something I’d been putting on the back burner for a long time.
I’ve been wanting to try my hand at creating a work of text art. By now, I have a fair collection of various artworks I’ve created over the last 2 years. I decided to use some of my photography and digital art pieces to create this. I’m pleased with how it turned out. I hope it inspires you to create something equally as important to you!

Wretch Treasure

“Unfathomable Love” – digital artwork by Melody Kittles, not for sale. A free download for personal use only is available at my deviantArt gallery page. Just click here. All the necessary credits for the song it’s based on are embedded in the artwork.

To check out the lyrics of the song, please visit the artist’s website by clicking here.


New Photography Up!

I’ve been through the results of my polls and the winner was “Things Only Children See” with 23 votes. The runner-up was “Mystic Sunset.” Both items are now up for sale at my Society6 and Redbubble pages. Simply click on the links provided below to get to them!

To get to “Things Only Children See” at Redbubble, click here!

To get to “Things Only Children See” at Soceity6, click here!

Things Only Children See

“Things Only Children Can See” – The winner in my current photography poll…for a limited time, it will be offered as a free download for personal use, through deviantArt. Simply visit my deviantArt page by clicking here!

To get to “Mystic Sunset” at Redbubble, click here!

To get to “Mystic Sunset” at Society6, click here!

These prints are available for sale on deviantArt in these forms. Items marked with an * are only available with “Things Only Children See” on them.

  1. art prints
  2. photos
  3. canvas prints
  4. mugs
  5. greeting card*
  6. postcard*
  7. mouse pad*
  8. coaster*
  9. magnet (2 sizes available)*

They’re available on Society6 in these forms:

  1. iphone/ipod case
  2. canvas print
  3. travel mug
  4. hoody
  5. duvet cover
  6. long sleeved tee
  7. all over print tee
  8. throw pillow
  9. tote bag
  10. stationary cards
  11. laptop sleeve
  12. t-shirt
  13. biker tank
  14. framed art print
  15. laptop/ipad skin
  16. ipad case
  17. shower curtain
  18. wall clock
  19. v-neck tee
  20. unisex tank

They’re available on Redbubble in these forms:

  1. Samsung Galaxy S5 case
  2. leggings
  3. graphic tee
  4. pencil skirt
  5. scarf
  6. unisex tee
  7. women’s tee
  8. laptop skin
  9. poster print
  10. photographic art print
  11. art print
  12. framed print
  13. metal print
  14. mug
  15. travel mug
  16. throw pillow
  17. duvet cover (twin/queen/king)
  18. shower curtain
  19. draw string bag
  20. tote bag
  21. laptop sleeve
  22. studio pouch
  23. journal
  24. sticker
  25. greeting card

As you can see, it just depends on which item you want as to which site you’ll need to visit. I was recently made aware of another site which I’ll be checking out called Artflakes. My artist friend Care Halverson, who does beautiful work, is the one who called my attention to it. Please do visit her deviantArt page to check it out by clicking here!

One new thing to note, I’m removing the “like” button from my posts from this point on. It’s a depressing thing I’d like to remove from my feed. If possible, I would prefer interaction with my readers. To me, giving an honest opinion and/or sharing the link means more than clicking a button on the bottom of a post.

And with that, I do believe today’s post is complete! I’m going to try making the other artwork I previously loaded onto the Society6 and Redbubble sites available on other products but my internet is being very uncooperative. I’ve been trying to load the correctly sized pictures to the sites for the past 3 days with no luck. I’ll keep troubleshooting with my husband and do my best to work it all out. Thanks for stopping by today. If you enjoy my work, please share these links with your friends and remember to support your local artists, artisans, thespians, farmers, and small businesses! Your courteous comments are welcome here!

Poll Closed and Free Download

To thank everyone who voted in my polls, I’m offering a free download of the photo with the most votes. It will only be free for a limited time. The photo with the most votes (21) was “Things Only Children Can See” and it really surprised me. I had a lot of fun seeing what everyone’s favorites were and I appreciate all the help. My next step is to re-edit this photo for sale on Society6 and Redbubble products. I’ll be busy for quite some time as I’ll work my way down the list of all these pieces and add them to my pages according to their popularity in the polls.

To get your free download, FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY, please visit my deviantArt page by clicking here.

Things Only Children See

“Things Only Children Can See” – The winner in my current photography poll! For a limited time, it will be offered as a free download for personal use. Simply visit the link above.

First Photography Poll

I want to start adding more work to my Redbubble and Society 6 pages. I’d absolutely love to have your help! Would you please consider taking a bit of your time to vote for your favorite photo in each of these collages? There are 4 different polls in this post. I’ll use the results to see which photos should get my attention first. Thanks in advance!

Photo Collage 1

Photo Collage 1: Vote for your favorite photo in this collage by clicking on the link under this picture. It will take you to where you can click on your favorite.

Poll #1

Photo Collage 2

Please click on the link below to vote for your favorite photo in this collage. The link will take you to poll #2 at

Poll #2

Photo Collage 3

Please click on the link below to go to poll #3 at to vote for your favorite photo in this collage.

Poll #3

Photo Collage 4

Please click on the link below to go to Poll #4 and vote for your favorite of these three photos. The link will take you to

Poll #4

Collage 5 Photo Poll

Please click on the link below to go to Poll #5 and vote for your favorite photo in this collage. The link will take you to

Poll #5

I realize this could’ve been done much easier through Polldaddy if I knew more about how to make it work. I just didn’t have the time to figure out how to link it to my WordPress and I need the results as fast as I can get them. Thanks in advance for voting!