Imperficles and Ident

I created two mixed media artworks yesterday. I’m happy to be able to share them with you today! To find out more about either of these pieces, or to purchase a print, canvas, or gift item of either, simply click on each of the photos here to be directed to my deviantArt page for each of them. If you like what you see and wish to spread the love, please do share my work on your favorite social media websites. Thanks so much!

"Imperficles" mixed media artwork by Melody Kittles - Click the photo to read more about this piece.

“Imperficles” mixed media artwork by Melody Kittles – Click the photo to read more about this piece.

"Ident" - mixed media artwork by Melody Kittles - Please click the photo to read more about this piece.

“Ident” – mixed media artwork by Melody Kittles – Please click the photo to read more about this piece.

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