Black and White Photo

My husband, John, is the photographer in our house but I like to take snapshots and edit them on my cell. I just have fun with it and don’t intend to make a career out of it like he is doing. We are also certified storm spotters and we take as many opportunities as possible to check out storms in our area and keep and eye on what they’re doing.  I do admit to being fascinated by lightning, charmed by thunder, and mesmerized by cloud formations. As we were following a couple of storm cells in our area, John found an excellent place to stop and this tree was right there, begging to be photographed. 🙂 You can see John’s photo of the tree (a much better quality, and a panoramic photo, as well!) on his post for today, by clicking here. So, without further ado, here’s my photo.

Isn't this the perfect set-up for a stark black and white photo? I thought so... I took this photo with my cell and edited it with the Pixlr Express app. If you'd like to download this photo for personal use, you can do so from my deviantART gallery.

Isn’t this the perfect set-up for a stark black and white photo? I thought so… I took this photo with my cell and edited it with the Pixlr Express app. If you’d like to download this photo for personal use, you can do so from my deviantART gallery.

“Antarctica is otherworldly, like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Stark, cold, beautiful desolation.” ~ Mark Hoppus

What I’ve Seen

I like to have fun with the camera on my cell phone. I’m not a pro, not by any stretch of the imagination. But it’s a nifty way to sort of journal things and perhaps record something that inspires me for use in a project later on down the road. Who knows? So I’d like to share some of my photos from this week with you.

I saw these tiny purple wildflowers with yellow centers while my husband and I were storm spotting. The plant they were growing on was rather large in comparison but it was so pretty! And the flowers were so very dainty. I doubt the farmer whose field they were growing beside even noticed but you never know.

I saw these tiny purple wildflowers with yellow centers while my husband and I were storm spotting. The plant they were growing on was rather large in comparison but it was so pretty! And the flowers were so very dainty. I doubt the farmer whose field they were growing beside even noticed but you never know.

The sun was setting when I walked out of the theater to defrost for a few minutes. I had to capture it, the best way I could. I sort of captured the pink in the clouds.

The sun was setting when I walked out of the theater to defrost for a few minutes. I had to capture it, the best way I could. I sort of captured the pink in the clouds. See? Way up there on the left?

On 2nd Street, in my town, there are several stores and businesses with fabulous doors and two pretty awesome vintage signs. This one was for a menswear store.

On 2nd Street, in my town, there are several stores and businesses with fabulous doors and two pretty awesome vintage signs. This one was for a menswear store.

I went with John when he drove out to get sunset photos. This beautiful storm cloud was on the southern horizon reflecting the red and gold rays of the sunset. John captured it close-up but this was the best I could do with my phone. I do like the perspective I managed to get.

I went with John when he drove out to get sunset photos. This beautiful storm cloud was on the southern horizon reflecting the red and gold rays of the sunset. John captured it close-up but this was the best I could do with my phone. I do like the perspective I managed to get.

I really enjoy seeing what I can capture with my little 3mp cell camera. Well, most of the time. As long as I stay within the limits of my camera’s range, it’s all good fun. When I try to use the zoom feature, the picture almost always becomes blurry so I rarely use it. I used it on the last photo here and you can see how blurry it came out. But the colors and perspective are nice and it could be used later for an art project if I so desire. I share most of these on Instagram so if you like them and want to see more, then you can follow me there (pianolady32). As always, feel free to leave comments or ask questions. 🙂

“Breathe in. Breathe out. Release all doubt. You’re on your way to cease another day.” ~ Glimpse – Heart Of Stone Ft. Katrine Stenbekk (Electus Remix)


Quadruple rainbow

As promised, here’s the photo of the rainbows we saw a few days ago. I hope you enjoy the photo! Do you see 4 rainbows or a fractured rainbow or a rainbow echo wave? I’m not sure what to call it! Please check out more of John’s fantastic photography at his blog!